December 1, 2015

Making Merry

Last week it was fall leaves and now we are already spotting twinkly lights and talking about Christmas trees. Like any other month of the year, December can fly by too quickly, so I have fully embraced holiday preparations and making merry for the weeks leading up to Christmas. We stay away from most of the shopping and commercial aspects, but I am planning plenty of time for baking, sharing treats, and basking the glow of the lights that deck so many of the trees around Portland and elsewhere.

I have had this advent calendar idea for a few years and although Amos barely understands what Christmas is, I decided, why not? I came up with an activity for each day, things like read Christmas books, make salt dough ornaments, buy a toy to donate, make hot chocolate, or brunch with friends.  A combination of making, decorating, giving, and experiencing. I hope that it will become a yearly tradition that can grow and change as our family does. For now, I am trying to keep it simple knowing that I can change, add, or switch activities if we need to.

I see no reason why every day of the year can't hold small delights, acts of creativity, and ways to give, but I am especially excited to make a point of finding these things each day of this month. Preparations and anticipation (in just the right sized doses) are part of the celebration, wonder, and good cheer that can be part of the whole season.

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